October 11, 2023

State of the Network: September

11/10/23 - Correction - The average win rate for nodes in August was not greater than one.

Let’s take a dive into the Swarm network’s performance metrics for September. The details below offer a window into individual node earnings, win value statistics, and the geographical node distribution. By juxtaposing September’s metrics with August’s data, we can explore the network’s growth patterns.

Data Considerations:

All data in this report is based on nodes which have won the redistribution game at least once per month, nodes which have not won were not included.

Network Total Monthly Rewards

This metric is the total monthly rewards paid out across the entire network.

Month Total Rewards (BZZ)
April 20503
May 21423
June 26655
July 34839
August 135927
September 147825

In September, the network’s total monthly rewards climbed to 147,825 BZZ, marking an uptick from August’s 135,927 BZZ.

Single Node Monthly Average Earnings

This metric is the average total winnings per staking node per month.

Month Average Earnings (BZZ)
April 14.30
May 14.85
June 18.84
July 22.61
August 68.20
September 69.56

For September, nodes witnessed a marginal rise in their average earnings, reaching 69.56 BZZ, a hair more than last month’s average of 68.20 BZZ.

Monthly Median Win Values

This metric is the median win amount for each win event.

Month Median Win Value (BZZ)
April 6.32
May 6.40
June 8.29
July 9.63
August 43.97
September 44.62

September’s median win values ticked up slightly to 44.62 BZZ, generally in line with the 43.97 BZZ median value in August.

Monthly Average Win Values

This metric is the average win amount for each win event.

Month Average Win Value (BZZ)
April 7.60
May 8.29
June 10.14
July 12.07
August 41.45
September 46.52

The average win values for September escalated to 46.52 BZZ, a significant increase from August’s 41.45 BZZ.

Number of Staking Nodes by Month

This is determined by the number of unique staking nodes each month which have won at least once in that month (as noted above, it does not include nodes which did not win in that month).

Month Number of Nodes
April 1434
May 1443
June 1415
July 1541
August 1993
September 2125

September saw the staking node count swell to 2,125, up from August’s 1,993.

Total Active Nodes by Month

This metric is defined as the total number of unique nodes (both staking and non-staking nodes) which are active on the Swarm network each month.

Month Number of Nodes
April 2016
May 4352
June 4002
July 4221
August 4554
September 5107

September saw a continuation in the steady rise in number of total active monthly nodes.

Staking Nodes by Country (Top 6)

This metric shows the number of unique staking nodes per month in the top five countries, with unknown countries and those with fewer nodes included in the “Others” category.

Month China Finland Germany Belgium France Others
April 376 363 248 39 27 149
May 489 412 266 74 24 178
June 437 418 299 59 29 173
July 593 417 280 70 22 159
August 216 846 798 39 9 85
September 151 819 1032 24 1 98

September marked a pronounced rise in staking nodes in Germany, surging to 1,032 from August’s 798. Conversely, Finland maintained stability, while China experienced a dip. This data mirrors the fluid global landscape of the Swarm network’s reach.


The metrics for September continue the trend of the Swarm network’s sustained growth and stability. The geographical node distribution, especially the surge in countries like Germany, exemplifies the global reach of Swarm. Overall the month of September is a continuation of the previous month’s pattern of continued growth.

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