August 4, 2023

Monthly Development Update – July 2023

In July, a major step was taken for the Swarm network with the unveiling of the new Localstore, which will be included in the latest Bee 1.17.0. Phase 4 of the storage incentives roadmap will also be released in the next few days, as will the latest updates to the price oracle, which is currently being tested extensively.

On the Ecosystem front, the Fairdrive Web App now boasts enhanced security for wallet creation, coupled with some improvements and fixes. Accessibility is the name of the game, so the Book of Swarm is in the middle of a polishing session and the Bee client specs repo is ready to roll.

Save the date for a new Swarm Community Call on 31 August and stay at the forefront of these exciting developments!


Bee Track

  • The Localstore rewrite is complete, tested, and anticipated features, such as multi-stamping and local pinning, work as expected. And release of the 1.17.0 is scheduled in the coming days as announced on the Community Call this month.
  • The hardening phase epic and documents have been created and added to both, internally and externally. We look forward to beginning work in this vein between and after our awaited breaking change scheduled releases.

Research Track

  • The phase 4 inclusion proof tests and refactorings are complete and awaiting bee-side test completion and a testnet release is imminent for phase 4.
  • The price oracle coefficient values that manipulate the price have been recalibrated and the contract is complete – giving a better product experience, and these will be put to testnet in the coming weeks.
  • The research team has also done extensive research and written documents on chain migration and omnichain support for Swarm and its implications for node operators, etc. as well as statistics on the variance of operator rewards.

JS Track


Fair Data Protocol

Fairdrive Web App
  • Released versionv0.9.0 with a breaking change: registration is now retriable, and this version also has support for upgraded fdp-contracts version 3.7.0
Create account page
  • Released version v3.7.0 with support for Optimism and Arbitrum Goerli networks


Docs update

Educational content




Swarm Community Call – July 2023

Upcoming events

Swarm Community Call

  • Swarm Community Call, our main monthly online event, will take place on 31 August at 17:00 CET in the Swarm Foundation Discord (add to calendar). Meanwhile, you are welcome to send any questions you might have for the teams building the Swarm network by using thisonline form for them to be addressed on the call.
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