December 3, 2024

State of the Network: November

In this report, we analyze the Swarm network’s performance for November 2024. By examining key metrics such as total rewards, win values, average node earnings, and geographic distribution, we gain insights into the network’s trends and dynamics.

Network Total Monthly Rewards

This metric shows the total rewards paid out across the entire network for each month.

Month Total Network Rewards (xBZZ)
June 112,037
July 105,855
August 62,093
September 99,124
October 89,250
November 54,053


November saw a decline in total network rewards to 54,053 xBZZ, representing a significant drop from October. This decline aligns with a broader reduction in win values and earnings across the network.

Monthly Median Win Values

This metric is the median win amount for each win event, providing insight into the typical reward nodes can expect from a single win event.

Month Median Win Values (xBZZ)
June 33.92
July 33.67
August 12.48
September 30.05
October 27.70
November 17.44


The median win value for November was 17.44 xBZZ, a significant decrease from October’s 27.70 xBZZ. This indicates lower typical rewards per win event compared to previous months.

Monthly Average Win Values

This metric shows the average win amount for each win event, offering an understanding of how the reward amounts are distributed across the network.

Month Average Win Values (xBZZ)
June 37.07
July 36.05
August 19.44
September 32.58
October 28.07
November 17.13


The average win value dropped to 17.13 xBZZ in November, reflecting a significant reduction in the distribution of rewards per win event.

Active Staking Node Monthly Average Earnings

This metric shows the average monthly earnings for an active staking node, with an “active node” defined as a node that has submitted at least one commit transaction during the month.

Month Avg Total Earnings per Node (xBZZ)
June 9.37
July 8.22
August 8.27
September 17.49
October 12.17
November 6.90


The average earnings per active staking node fell to 6.90 xBZZ in November, reflecting the impact of reduced total network rewards combined with a slight increase in the number of active staking nodes.

Total Active Staking Nodes by Month

This metric shows the total number of active staking nodes, defined as nodes that have issued at least one commit transaction during the month.

Month Total Active Staking Nodes
June 11,950
July 12,871
August 7,506
September 5,667
October 7,331
November 7,830


November saw a slight increase in active staking nodes to 7,830, continuing the recovery trend from September’s low participation levels.

Total Reachable Full Nodes Regardless of Active Status

This metric counts the total number of unique full nodes that were reachable at any point in the month, providing a broader picture of network activity beyond just active committers.

Month Total Reachable Full Nodes
June 18,916
July 20,898
August 24,168
September 18,589
October 15,206
November 14,075

The number of reachable full nodes decreased further in November to 14,075, continuing the downward trend seen since August.

Total Winning Nodes by Month

This metric tracks the number of unique staking nodes that won the redistribution game at least once during the month.

Month Total Winning Nodes
June 2,680
July 2,622
August 2,769
September 2,379
October 2,588
November 2,588


The total number of winning nodes remained stable at 2,588 in November, showing no change from October (note that while the number of winning nodes is coincidently the same, the total number of win events and the set of winning nodes both differ from the previous month).

Total Active Staking Nodes by Country

This section breaks down active staking nodes by country, providing insights into the global distribution of the network.

Country October November
China 4,819 5,492
Finland 1,688 1,802
Germany 736 462
Spain 26 21
The Netherlands 15 18
United States 13 10
Italy 3 3
Vietnam 1 2
Unknown 10 10
Belarus 1 1
India 4 3
Thailand 1 1
Estonia 3 2
Lithuania 1 1
Singapore 1 1
Hungary 2 1
Slovenia 1 0
Russia 3 0
Switzerland 2 0
France 1 0
Denmark 0 0
Japan 0 0

November saw a small to moderate rebalancing of the geographic distribution of nodes, with the general pattern of distribution remaining unchanged. China continued to lead the network with a modest increase in active nodes up to 5,492. Finland’s node count rose to 1,802, while Germany saw a decline, dropping to 462. A handful of nodes were also observed across a number of countries, primarily in Europe and Asia.


November 2024 saw a decline in the Swarm network’s reward levels, with reductions in total rewards and average node earnings continuing a downward trend. Despite these economic pressures, the number of active staking nodes increased slightly to 7,830, reflecting a steady level of participation. This suggests that operators remain engaged with the network, even as reward dynamics shift.

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