June 5, 2024

Monthly Development Update – May 2024

Bee 2.1 is out and live. Key changes include improved stability, performance and limits to the number of freezes per round. Node operators should upgrade ASAP and run a new _db repair-reserve_ command for each node immediately after the upgrade to fix any corrupted chunks.

The Research Track finished the development and planning SWIP for Bee 2.2 that will introduce neighbourhood hopping with transferrable stake, and a withdrawal of stake threshold mechanism.

Bee-JS is now on version 7 and it will return an error when attempting to create a postage batch with a low amount. New versions of Swarm CLI, Bee Dashboard and Swarm Desktop are also out to reflect changes in the new version of Bee.

On the Ecosystem side, there’s a new Swarm x Digital Ocean partnership and a new section in Docs for the Gateway Proxy tool.

To wrap it all up, Swarm Summit is coming on 20 June, but the action will actually start on 18 June with dedicated hackdays. Join the event live in Ljubljana, Slovenia, or tune in via live stream on StreamETH.


Bee Track

  • V2.1 was released on 28 May and covers the following:
    • Localstore transactions refactor to bring increased stability and performance gains. The same leveldb transaction is now used for both indexstore and chunkstore writes. Also, now when the reserve capacity is reached, the number of chunks that are evicted is just enough to fall below the capacity. Previously, all the chunks belonging to a batch would be evicted, and we now expect that we will notice a reduction in the loss of chunks.
    • The research team has introduced a new redistribution contract which introduces a limit to the number of freezes per round.
    • Merge of the /debug under the /bee API is introduced in this release. At the moment, both the previous and the new solutions are available in different ports, but the Debug API will be removed entirely in the next release (v2.2.0). All nodes should be prepared accordingly.
  • All node operators are called to upgrade their nodes to the latest version. A new db repair-reserve command has been introduced which will scan the node’s reserve and fix any corrupted chunks. Very important notice: All node operators should make sure to run this command immediately following the upgrade to the new version!! This command should be run for one by one node on the same disk!

Research Track

  • 2.1 We released the freezing quota which we’re getting ready to turn on imminently. We’re gathering data around freezing, which will all be greatly reduced.
  • 2.2 SWIP development and planning is finished and development is under way for neighbourhood hopping with transferrable stake, and a withdrawal of the stake threshold mechanism.
  • Discussions and proposals for side projects have begun, for example the price oracle speeding up, and multichain support PoC.

JS Track


  • Released v7
    • Debug API has been merged to :1633. All functions are available on the Bee class.
    • Attempting to create a postage batch with a low amount (TTL) will now throw an error. Bee requires TTL to be at least 1 day. This affects the createPostageBatch method in the Bee class.
    • ESModules (import syntax) and Deno are now supported. If your project’s import style or bundler do not work with Bee-JS, please open an issue.
    • When uploading files in Node.js, choose using streams (fs.createReadStream) over reading files into the memory. This way, you can avoid out-of-memory errors and upload sizes can be unlimited. When uploading folders (uploadFilesFromDirectory), this is handled automatically by Bee-JS.


  • Released v2.10
    • This version bumps Bee-JS to v7 and merges the Debug API to :1633. The bee-debug-api-url flag has been removed.

Bee Dashboard

  • Released v0.26.1
    • This version bumps Bee-JS to v7 and merges the Debug API to :1633. The REACT_APP_BEE_DEBUG_HOST environment variable has been removed.

Swarm Desktop

  • Released v0.41
    • The new version should automatically update your Bee node to version 2.1.


  • Deployed Bee 2.1.0 to testnet and mainnet.
  • Released multiple versions of Beekeeper (latest 0.16.1).



Bonding curve vote

Fair Data Protocol

  • Some fix, including a new way of login.



  • The Develop section of the docs has been reorganised for easier navigation.
  • Updated links to out-of-date content from the Gnosis Chain docs, including links to the newest Gnosis Chain bridge
  • A new page was added for the Gateway Proxy tool.
  • The API reference docs have been updated for the 2.1 release.
  • Improvements made to the postage batch calculators.
  • Various small corrections have been made to the Learn section and other sections throughout the docs.


People & Culture team:


Swarm Community Call – 30 May: the monthly “stay up to date” event
  • May’s Community Call provided insights on the latest release of Bee 2.1 and what’s coming next, a more detailed look into what to expect at the Swarm Summit, and a demo of the bmt-js library wrapped up in a new Python package, courtesy of community member Avik Saikat. You are welcome to read the full recap here.
  • Next Swarm Community Call: 25 July!

Upcoming events

Swarm Hackdays and Summit 2024

Swarm Summit returns in an in-person format after five years, setting up a stage in the vibrant city of Ljubljana, Slovenia!

The perfect opportunity to meet incredible people from the Swarm community, immerse yourself in discussions on the future of the internet and create lasting memories.

The majority of the event will be brought to you online as well by StreamETH, but nothing matches the experience of engaging face-to-face with our team, community, partners and special guests.

  • 18–19 June: Hackdays
  • 20–21 June: Swarm Summit: Upload the Future – Main Event
  • 21 June, evening: Afterparty with Modeselektor
  • 22 June: Chill in Bled

You can read more about the Summit and Hackdays in this blog and stay alert for posts revealing the full schedule in the coming days.

Follow Swarm community news on X / Twitter.
Discussions about Swarm can be found on Reddit.
All tech support and other channels have moved to Discord!
Please feel free to reach out via info@ethswarm.org
Join the newsletter! .

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